It is a privilege for me, as the Country Director for Lincoln University (LU) to be able to embark on the mission to guide the fellow students and collaborative partner institutions towards achieving their goals.

Today LU has expanded horizons towards interior of the country, enabling school leavers to have access to quality and UpToDate curriculum which will enable them to secure employment in challenging environments. I take pleasure to acknowledge and thank the dynamic leadership of our President, Vice Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor at the University and the staff at the Local office for their undivided support towards achieving the goals.

In any society, the pursuit of education enhances and broadens the intellectual horizons of the citizenry. While sponsoring academic excellence and perfection, we at LUC always strive to help our students to advance with new ideas, promote enduring knowledge, and inculcate appropriate moral and ethical values in them. I firmly believe that each and every student is taught and groomed properly to become responsible, conscious, and proactive a citizen.

We differ our self from other higher education institutions by inculcating good attitudes, behaviours, and ethics which are the reflections of years of academic discipline. I am also delighted to state that, we have named the Northshore College as LU branch campus in Sri Lanka specializing in Engineering, Life and Health Sciences, IT, Management and Social Sciences.

Dr. Roshan de-Lima – Country Director for Lincoln University

Sri Lanka and UAE